Streamlining Digital Asset Management for Cultural Heritage Institutions
Managing digital assets across different cultural heritage domains such as archives, museums, galleries, and libraries (GLAM) can quickly become a complex and resource-intensive undertaking. The diversity of descriptive, administrative, and technical metadata standards makes it challenging to adopt a single international standard that satisfies the unique needs of each GLAM sector.
The Digital Curator application allows you to explore the art collections of Central European museums and search for artworks based on specific motifs.
Users of the application can build their combination of objects and reveal how often the subject has occurred across the centuries, view graphics, drawings, or paintings that represent it in different epochs, and compare data with other themes.
What happens to a museum after it has gone open? We spoke to Linda Spurdle of Birmingham Museums Trust to find out.
In summer 2018, Birmingham Museums Trust in the UK embraced open access policies for its digitised public domain collections. Two years on, Linda Spurdle and I got together to see what happened next. This is a transcript of our conversation.
The large archive of more than six million historical photographs of Life is now accessible thanks to Google's Artificial Intelligence.
Life was a mythical magazine, one of the most influential of the twentieth century, mainly thanks to the quality of its photographs; they are images that marked several generations, and are still very influential in journalism today.
Masterpieces from around the globe compiled in this 'Public Domain Gems' collection.
From a wide range of public domain collections in our website, we have combined the most amazing paintings from famous artists altogether in one place. Explore a huge variety of art movements from Woodblock Prints in Japan to Impressionism in the European world.
These art gems are copyright free and are available in high resolution quality. Under the CC0 license, download your favorites and start your own collection!