


MICRO is building a fleet of six foot tall museums.

Our team of scientists, designers and storytellers take a vast, complex world, and squeeze it down into boxes the size of vending machines.



We replicate the museums, and send them out to the groups and venues in your community who want you to know about the secret systems that run the cosmos.

From hospital waiting rooms to the DMV, MICRO’s fleet of museums show up in the places you least expect them.

The Museum as Workspace

Ask anyone who works at a museum what they love about their job, and chances are they won’t respond “my workspace.” Generally located in the bowels of the building, museum workspaces are notoriously unpleasant: often windowless and, depending on the age of the building, maybe not originally intended as workspaces. Among the several museums at which I’ve worked or interned, my desk has been located in: a busy hallway, a closet for marketing materials, and a repurposed storage room that opened only onto the exhibition space.

Encuentro Nacional de Investigación y Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural

Vení al Encuentro Nacional de Investigación y Gestión del Patrimonio Dos jornadas con mas de cincuenta especialistas de todo el país en el que habrá conferencias, paneles-debate, charlas temáticas y mesas de diálogo. Se abordarán temas como la construcción de conocimiento y transmisión de saberes en torno al patrimonio, innovación tecnológica, prácticas museológicas, legislación cultural, cooperación internacional, gestión del patrimonio y su vínculo con la comunidad, entre otros.

Creating a Snapchat Geofilter for your Museum

Snapchat is the breakout social network of the past few years, growing to over 300 million users. The average Snapchat user will spend 25-30 minutes on the app daily.

Snapchat allows you to send videos and pictures, both of which will self-destruct after a few seconds of a person viewing them.

It is currently the most popular social media platform amongst teens, though has in the past year seen a surge in growth from over 25-year-olds.

Los museos suman chats con las obras, recorridos 360º y audioguías por Spotify

Con inteligencia artificial, recorridos 360º y listas de música online, la tecnología se mete en los museos; y genera un nuevo tipo de interacción entre los visitantes y las obras. ¿Cómo te llamás? ¿Quién es tu autor? ¿Cuántos años tenés? Son algunas de las preguntas que el público que visite el Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires (Mamba) puede hacerle a la obra Bio Cosmos, del artista Emilio Renart.

Art Basel announces Buenos Aires as its first Art Basel City

Art Basel and the city of Buenos Aires will join forces to develop and host a series of vibrant cultural events. The first event will take place in Buenos Aires in late 2017 and offer new opportunities to discover and engage with the city's thriving cultural offerings and contemporary art scene. The aim is to amplify the city's cultural impact and to bring events with international resonance to life by combining Art Basel's expertise and global network with Buenos Aires' commitment to further establish itself as a leading cultural destination.